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Home20th Annual Conference

Thank you CITY OF TOLEDO for hosting the
20th annual conference - shattering expectations

OCTOBER 20 - 21, 2021 




Each year, the AGCCP conference offers new and exciting ways for public sector customer service and Contact Center leaders to grow professionally.  This year, we'll be conducting the 20th annual conference virtually. Although online, we'll still be conducting rapid demos, group sessions, learning labs, networking opportunities, benchmarking, and celebrations of our successes!  

Make the most of your AGCCP experience and learn about conference highlights and activities available to you. Hear from our speakers, numerous sponsors, and the annual Award of Distinction winner. Network with like-minded professionals during numerous engaging activities and workshops.

Celebrate Success – Award of Distinction “Shattering Expectations” 
Nominate your contact center for this prestigious award. The annual recipient receives the distinguished award and title of AGCCP Award of Distinction Winner! The winner also receives one complimentary conference registration, the opportunity to share the journey to success during a live presentation on the first day of the conference, and a spotlight section on the AGCCP website.  

Sarasota County Contact Center 
To find out more about our Award of Distinction program -  CLICK HERE

Dive into our conference sessions where our peers, customers, sponsors, and partners share professional insights and industry trends. There’s something for everyone: sponsor areas, impactful speaker presentations, annual Award of Distinction recipient, interactive pulse surveys, networking, Learning Labs, and more! 

Become a Sponsor 
Our conferences offers a unique opportunity for partners to showcase their products and solutions with decision makers and industry influencers, and build relationships that will last a lifetime. To inquire about the various levels of sponsorship opportunities, email us at

Ready to Go? 
We look forward to seeing you at our next annual AGCCP Conference. Please email us at for more information. 

Past Conferences
 To view a list of our past conferences and photo gallery - CLICK HERE

Special Recognition to the CITY OF TOLEDO
Their efforts to provide our 2020 - 2021 AGCCP Conference during pandemic will not be forgotten! 


2021 Logo without Toledo

OCTOBER 20 - 21, 2021